Travel Blogger and Photographer, get featured in FlyMe360 Digital Mag

I was so excited when I got to know that FlyMe360 chosen some of my travelling articles to be featured in their digital magazine! One of my chosen travel article was my travelling trips when I bring my baby to travel.

And there you go, I was featured in page 33- 35, in their Jan 2016 issue:

My travel to China has been featured in their magazine June 2016 issue as well, pg 12- 15:

Plus, I get to know that they are looking for travel blogger/ photographer for contribution in their digital magazine as well!

Here's how:

Send in your interest to

Things that the publisher need: travel stories or photography in Asia Countries, followed by 6 – 10 high resolution (min 1200 x 100 pixel) photos together.

For blogger/ writer, out of so many blog and articles, try to pitch and make your article the best out of it, normally publisher prefers topics such as: general travelling experience, travelling issues/advice, feature destination, travelling (issues/advice), hotel review, food review, gadgets review or financial advice on travelling, or even more interesting topic like: how to pay off my full time travelling, my hidden gem in the jungle, something like that.

Let's make our travel dream come true!

Publication email:


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